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  •  Endovenous Radiofrequency System

Endovenous Radiofrequency System

Product description:

This system is mainly composed of intracavitary RF generator and intracavitary RF closed catheter, which is used to treat varicose great saphenous vein of lower limbs (limited to superficial vein) through intracavitary RF closed therapy.

60-second manual response

Technical advice answered within 30 minutes

24 hours free design


Product features:

Outer diameter up to 7F, effective length 60/100cm

Uniform heating, heating length 3/7cm

Fast recoverability

High success rate

Safety and effectiveness

Copyright 2022 ? Changsha Jinwei Medical Technology Co.,Ltd

All rights reserved:Changsha Jinwei Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Design and production: YunDing Date
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